ISMS Information Security Policy

We at Enalytix are committed to proactively manage an Information Security Management Policy (ISMS) designed to protect the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Business information, as well as processing in a secure environment. We believe in continually improving our management system by periodically reviewing ISMS and its relevant controls.

Key points of the ISMS Policy are:

  • i) Classifying all business and client information as per sensitivity.
  • ii) Analyzing information assets risks and their proper mitigation plans.
  • iii) Controlling changes to Information System.
  • iv) Handling security incident through an efficient incident response process and learning from past incidents.
  • v) Complying with applicable legal, regulatory and statutory requirements.
  • vi) Providing continuous information security awareness by training.
  • vii) Preventing business interruption by adopting Business continuity management.
  • viii) Continuously monitoring entire ISMS to detect any loopholes.
  • ix) Providing adequate resources to maintain proper ISMS
  • x) Periodically reviewing ISMS Policy for its suitability and applicability.

All employees of Enalytix acknowledge their responsibility towards ISMS.

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