Occupancy Monitoring
Monitor the occupancy compliance real-time for your premises,
building, offices, stores or workplaces

Occupancy monitoring is critical today to save operational costs, build better customer experiences, and ensure social distancing. Enalytix AI-based Occupancy Monitoring system regulates the number of people inside your, building or store by anonymously counting customers, visitors and employees as they enter and exit your premises.

Why Enalytix?

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It’s Automated!
Counts automatically; no manual intervention required
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It’s Fast to Deploy!
Simple set-up and you can self-install quickly!
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It’s Accurate!
Segregates staff from your customers/visitors using smart AI algorithms, WITHOUT requiring any additional spend like badges or uniforms
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It’s Always “On”!
Works offline. You do not need internet!
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It’s Real-Time!
Real-time counts displayed at key entry/exit points
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It’s Flexible!
Can work for building of all sizes – single or multiple entrances, exits, and floors!
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It’s Smart!
You get visual alerts when occupancy levels approach the defined threshold
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It’s Device Agnostic!
You can configure and display output on any system – desktop, laptop, mobile device

Why deploy the Occupancy
Monitoring System at your site?

  • Improve staff planning basis the occupancy
  • Cut running costs like power or lighting
  • Deliver better experience to your customers and visitors
  • Reduce security and surveillance manpower
  • Foster social distancing and ensure safety amidst pandemic times

Works well across industries

  • image Retail
  • image Entertainment zones & parks
  • image Healthcare
  • image Manufacturing
  • image F&B
  • image Government/Public Agencies
  • image Education
  • image Security Agencies
  • image Construction
  • image Startups
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